Sunday, April 16, 2023

Retirement Planning

 Talking to my friend this morning about how he fills his days, since he's retired (and has been for 6 years, starting at age 56).

It's got me thinking about how I would spend my days if I wasn't on the treadmill of all that I have to do - driving kids to school, going to work, driving kids to therapy, cooking "dinner" that everyone will eat. There's probably 2 hours of "family time" that's either watching something together, doing homework, or playing games (not as often as we should, but supposedly every Tues/Thurs eve). Then there's 2 hours of time that I can read or watch something that I want before sleep. Too often that's falling down the rabbit hole of news or Seth Meyers or Stephen Colbert while I play Yukon solitaire or do an online jigsaw.

Good nights are when I do a 20-minute Yoga with Adrienne. Or walk the dog. Or read when I go to bed. Or fall asleep early.

And if I don't make great choices most nights with my 2 hours of me time, what on earth will I do with a whole day? A whole "rest of my life" of days?

So, to set some intentions or imagine the world I want to birth with possibilities, here's an ideal day:

I wake up when I wake up. No alarms. Go for a run or walk. Yoga. Meditation. Puttering/picking up. Put something in crockpot for dinner. Lunch with a friend. Head to volunteer job at church or around town. Reading with kids? Working in the church office? Then dinner with my husband. Watch a little something. Yoga or meditation or walk before bed. Maybe a little reading or journaling. Sleep when I want. Wake when I wake.

That sounds SO GOOD. 

What we pay attention to makes up our lives. What we practice grows stronger.

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