Saturday, June 24, 2023

Remembering the Future (prayer) by Theresa I. Soto

Can we develop the skill of remembering the future?
Can we commit to build the community that will extend
into a time that we only know by memory because it
will outlast us?
Memorize the compass points of the day
yet to come: the truth, the love, the fire, the endless yes
of the horizon.
Shake the scales from your imagination:
Reach. Stretch. Rise.
There is no more time for pretending
that everything can be all right without your care, without
your attention. You can mourn, grief being more real at times
than the promise of the sunrise. More real than the piece
of the moon, that by inconstant silver turns, disappears.
And yet. While we may mourn changes, losses, deceptions,
and betrayals, beneath the ash we find the ember. We
weep and then, as we have learned from labor movements,
we organize. Remember the day toward which we gather,
the tomorrow toward which we advance. It is with
your actions today that you engage that muscle memory,
that sense of smell, the ragged velvet feel of a day that
you have never lived. It is also your day. Remember it well.