Saturday, May 15, 2021

Self-Portrait as a Door - Donika Ross (poem)

All the birds die of blunt-force trauma —
of barn of wire of YIELD or SLOW
CHILDREN AT PLAY. You are a sign
are a plank are a raft are a felled oak.
You are a handle are a turn are a bit
of brass lovingly polished.
What birds what bugs what soft
hand come knocking. What echo
what empty what room in need 
of a picture a mirror a bit of paint 
on the wall. There is a hooked rug. 
There is a hard hand as you are 
hard pounding the door. There is the doormat
owl eye patched by a boot by a body
with a tree for a hand. What roosts 
what burrows what scrambles 
at the pound. There is a you 
on the other side, cold and white 
as the room, in need of a window 
or an eye. There is your hand 
on the door which is now the door 
pretending to be a thing that opens.

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