Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ritual of Mindfulness

 The sermon today was about how to take the everyday and turn it into a moment of meaning, when the moment IS the meaning.

V.B. Price, in Running to Wijiji, says the sacred and the profane are sacred. And maybe also: "when you know who you are, you do who you are. 

"knowing and doing [are] not apart;
and where I [am]
[is] as much of myself
as what I [do].

Now is
a holy place."

In this moment, I am feeling like the echo between who I am and what I do is split-second delay. Not too shabby, all told. I am not in sync, but nor am I syncopated. 

There is hope. There is meaning. There is time and patience and the next moment and every intention.  

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