Thursday, June 23, 2022

General Assembly - Portland - 2022 - Day 1

 Attending virtually. 

President's Report, General Assembly 2022

So far, great quote by the Rev. Susan Grey (and UUA President)

Joy feels like love and moves like freedom.
"The rise of authoritarianism, fascism and white Christian ethno nationalism is a reality in our country, and elsewhere. Unitarian Universalists have always been positioned to play crucial roles in the struggle for expanding freedom, equity and democracy. ....

We are in a liminal time, letting go of what has been, in that middle space in between, as we reach for what is next and create it together. Who will we be? How are we called? How is love calling us? 

What I witnessed in the midst of struggle and uncertainty is a fiery flame of vitality. This courage growing in us, this spiritual renewal in depth growing from our theological foundations. This practice of leaning into partnership and interdependence like never before. 

We are building a road together and singing songs, songs that are both new but echo the songs of those who came before us, leaving a road for us to follow. 

For five years now I have said it is no time for a casual faith and it is no time to go it alone. Now is the time to realize that we were made for this moment, that we are the people we have been waiting for. 

Now is the time to take more seriously the life saving ministry of our religious communities and our religious education ministry. To invest boldly and generously in our own congregations as a strong foundation for people to heal, to grow and to resist. To lean into covenant and collaboration across our congregations, to help all of our congregations thrive. To practice deeper solidarity and partnership with directly impacted communities for liberation and to create more joy, to create more joy and celebration, knowing that this is a source of power, of resilience and of the imagination that we all need, that our world needs. 

We were meant for joy. We were meant for joy, and joy feels like love and it moves like freedom. We were made for this moment. We are the people we have been waiting for. May we be, may we be the people that we are called to be."


Session on Covenant & Repair on Thursday, 6/23:

  • Tyler Coles, Richmond, VA
  • Rev. Sara Dendy-Green

(Nuance and clarity)

All covenants should have "return" clauses - how to return to covenant when we "act out of pocket"

Reconciliation is not always possible, and certainly not always "now"

Octavia Butler - "God is change, and we will change with her."

"There are other places we can go to be mean to each other; church ain't it!"


Interlocking. Impact and shape one another. Centered are our values - give shape to covenant, mission, imagination (replacing "able-ist" language).

What does the beloved community ("kin-dom of heaven") feel like? sound like? taste like? smell like? 

Expectations with how we intend to be with one another. (Implicit covenants can be in conflict with our stated imaginations.)

 "Remember to find joy in the becoming."

[Thinking about Prez address - challenges for next year - policy overhaul, 8th principle work, campus master plan, covenant/mission redo]

Songs recommended:


How do we repair when WE broke it?

Conflict and harm are different things...

There is a lineage of harm that's passed down.

Books recommended:

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