Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Invitation - Rev. Angela Herrera

This is a prayer of invitation.

An invitation

To you there, with your happiness and your burden,

With your hopes and regrets.

An invitation for you, if you feel good today,

An invitation if you do not,

if you are aching—

there are so many ways to ache.

Whoever you are, however you are,

wherever you are in your journey,

this prayer is an invitation into peace.

Peace in your self,

and peace in your self,

and— with every breath—

peace in your self.

Maybe your soul is heavy.

Maybe it’s troubled,

and peace can take up residence there only in the corner,

only on the edge today,

what with all that is going on in the world,

in your life.

Ni modo. It doesn’t matter.

All that you need lies within you -

All that you need for the deep and comforting peace to grow.

May peace spread from your core into your life,

and may it pour from your life into the world

And in the world, may it shine upon all beings.

May it be so.


Peace be with you.

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